A Scholarly Review of Mediation Models
- Dr. Desmond Ellis
There is great diversity in the field of family mediation today. The co-presence of a variety of family mediation models presents practicing family mediators with the choice of using one model - the one they were trained to use - or use contributions from more than one model. This webinar is designed to help practicing family mediators ground their choice in a comparison and evaluation of the following four influential models of mediation: INTEREST BASED, TRANSFORMATIVE, THERAPEUTIC, and INSIGHT. Dr. Ellis will provide an overview of each of these models, focusing on the “Heart of each Model” and indicating “Noteworthy Concerns of each Model”.
Dr. Desmond Ellis
Desmond Ellis is a Professor Emeritus based in the La Marsh Centre for Research on Children and Youth, Faculty of Health, York University. During his tenure at York, he was appointed to the Domestic Violence Subcommittee to the Federal U.S. Uniform Collaborative Law Act Task Force and the Advisory Committee, Family MediationService, Superior Court of Justice, Toronto. He also served as a Board member for Conflict Mediation Services, Downsview, Ontario, published a number of research reports, books and articles on separation and divorce mediation and created the La Marsh Centre on Violence and Conflict Resolution and the Certificate Program in Dispute Resolution. His most recent book - Domestic Violence: A Practical Handbook for Family Lawyers- was published by Lexis-Nexis in 2019. He was recently appointed by Justice Canada to the Family Violence Advisory Group set up to implement national family violence User Guidelines for family violence practitioners to identify and respond to family violence.
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