Webinar Description
Benjamin Franklin once said: “Every problem is an opportunity is disguise.” In the new and highly successful approach of solution-focused (SF) conflict management the focus is on discovering these opportunities. The key lies in asking questions about the goal, exceptions and competencies and in motivating participants to change.
Instead of focusing on the conflict and the undesired or even feared future, SF conflict management focuses is on what participants want to have instead of the conflict and the preferred future. They are considered to be co-experts in formulating their goal and devising solutions. The concept and methodology differ from traditional (problem-focused) types of conflict management and can also be combined with them. Conversations become more positive and shorter, ensuring that SF conflict management is cost-effective and there is less burn-out amongst professionals.
The webinar will provide a short presentation of the theory of SF conflict management. Some practical tools and four basic solution focused questions are introduced which you can use as a mediator, manager or coach to resolve conflict and develop collaborative relationships. After the webinar the attendants will be able to: use some SF techniques and refine their own practice, build positive emotions and hopeful and optimistic conversations, and invite participants to reach their preferred future
- What is the Solution Focus? The synthesis paradigm
- What is solution-focused conflict management
- What is the role of the solution-focused mediator1
- Four basic solution-focused questions
- How to build positive emotions, instil hope and optimism and motive participants to change
N.B. - Access to this course, including video and course materials, is valid for 24 hours from the time of purchase.
Dr. Fredrike P. Bannink MDR
Master of Dispute Resolution and clinical psychologist
Owner training, coaching and mediation practice in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Former mediator for the Court of Amsterdam
International Full Certified ADR Mediator and Conflict Coach
International keynote speaker, trainer and author of around 50 books.
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